44 research outputs found

    A framework for the evaluation of marine spatial data infrastructures - Accompanied by international case-studies

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    Germany is currently developing a marine data infrastructure addressing different topics such as coastal engineering, hydrography and surveying, protection of the marine environment, maritime conservation, regional planning, and coastal research. This undertaking is embedded in a series of regulations and developments at many administrative levels, from which specifications and courses of action are derived. To set up a conceptual framework for the marine data infrastructure of Germany (MDI-DE), scientists at the Chair for Geodesy and Geoinformatics at the Rostock University are building a reference model, evaluating meta-information systems and developing models to support common workflows in marine applications. Evaluating how other countries built their marine spatial infrastructures is important to learn where obstacles and errors are likely to occur. To be able to look at other initiatives from a neutral point of view, it is necessary to construct a framework for evaluating marine spatial data infrastructures (MSDI). This framework is then used to analyse and evaluate the efforts of Canada, Australia, and Ireland with respect to marine data infrastructures

    Counterstatement to Article Entitled "A Framework for Evaluation of Marine Spatial Data Geoportals Using Case Studies"

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    In December 2014 in volume 60 issue 4 a paper was published entitled “A Framework for Evaluation of Marine Spatial Data Geoportals Using Case Studies” by Marina Tavra, Vlado Cetl and Tea Duplancic Leder which is suspected to constitute academic misconduct. This comment reasons that the core of the paper was taken from another source and thus does not offer new and original scientific work and therefore does not add knowledge to the body of science. Furthermore it argues that apart from the plagiarism the paper shows major weaknesses and thus should have not been published even it was not plagiarized

    A Framework for the Evaluation of Marine Spatial Data Infrastructures – Accompanied by International Case-Studies

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    Germany is currently developing a marine data infrastructure addressing different topics such as coastal engineering, hydrography and surveying, protection of the marine environment, maritime conservation, regional planning, and coastal research. This undertaking is embedded in a series of regulations and developments at many administrative levels, from which specifications and courses of action are derived. To set up a conceptual framework for the marine data infrastructure of Germany (MDI-DE), scientists at the Chair for Geodesy and Geoinformatics at the Rostock University are building a reference model, evaluating meta-information systems and developing models to support common workflows in marine applications

    A Framework for the Evaluation of Marine Spatial Data Infrastructures – Accompanied by International Case-Studies

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    Germany is currently developing a marine data infrastructure addressing different topics such as coastal engineering, hydrography and surveying, protection of the marine environment, maritime conservation, regional planning, and coastal research. This undertaking is embedded in a series of regulations and developments at many administrative levels, from which specifications and courses of action are derived. To set up a conceptual framework for the marine data infrastructure of Germany (MDI-DE), scientists at the Chair for Geodesy and Geoinformatics at the Rostock University are building a reference model, evaluating meta-information systems and developing models to support common workflows in marine applications

    Portal. Gård og utmark i Gudbrandsdalen. Arkeologiske undersøkelser i Fron 2011-2012.

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    E6-prosjektet Gudbrandsdalen er det største utgravningsprosjektet som er gjennomført i Oppland. Prosjektet har sin bakgrunn i etableringen av ny E6 gjennom Gudbrandsdalen, fra Elstad i Ringebu kommune til Otta i Sel kommune. Totalt 64 arkeologiske lokaliteter ble undersøkt i Sør-Fron, Nord-Fron og Sel kommune, hvorav 4 var uregistrerte og ble oppdaget under arbeidets gang. De mest omfattende undersøkelsene ble foretatt i Fron, mens det var kun tre mindre hulveipartier som var registrert i Sel. I Sør-Fron dominerte de bosetnings- og jordbruks-historiske lokalitetene, mens utmarkskulturminner var det vanligste i Nord-Fron. Dette skyldes i stor grad E6-traseens beliggenhet; i sør går traseen i dal-bunnen i de rike jordbruksområdene på den såkalte solsiden, mens den i nord i større grad går gjennom store skogsområder på baksiden. Det reflekterer likevel også en noe forskjellig landskapsbruk i nord og sør, som det vil bli nærmere redegjort for i de påfølgende artiklene. Prosjektet ble organisert over to feltsesonger med oppstart i juli 2011 og avslutning i oktober 2012. Etter omfattende etterarbeid, med ferdigstilling av rapporter, kataloger og databaser, fikk prosjektet sin endelige avslutning i januar 2014. Etterarbeidet er organisert i 14 delrapporter, som er systematisert etter de forskjellige deltraseene og de største utgravningsfeltene (figur 1.1). Denne boka er en videreføring av prosjektarbeidet og søker å presentere de viktigste faglige resultatene i samlet form. I denne artikkelen skal vi derimot se nærmere på de administrative erfaringene. Sentralt for prosjektets utvikling sto den store omorganiseringen av prosjektet vinteren 2011/2012, da vi gikk fra syv små delprosjekter med egne styringsdokumenter til ett stort samlet prosjekt med felles budsjett og prosjektplan